Biblioteca Nacional
Catálogo: Livros da Divisão de Manuscritos (Pop: 3033)
Índice : Assuntos
Busca : iluminuras de livros e manuscritos
Resultado 1 - 10 de 46 encontrados em 0.453 segundos
Nova Busca   
1Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana.Libri d'Ore della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana : | catalogo della Mostra, Salone Sistino /1988Belser,
2THE MANESSE manuscript. Insel,
3Bradley, John W.A dictionary of miniaturists, illuminators, caligrafers and ephygists...compiled from various sources, many litherto inedited.Bernard Quaritch,
4LARA, Laurent de.Elementary instruction in the art of illuminating and missal painting on vellum, a guide to modern illuminators. Ackermann and Co,
5Illuminated manuscripts from the Pierpont Morgan Library. The New York Public Library,
6LAUER, P.Les Enluminures romanes des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Editions de la Gazette de Beaux-arts,
7Humphreys, H. NoelThe art of illumination and missal painting, a guide to modern illuminators.H. G. Bohn,
8Anderson, Janice.Illuminated manuscripts /1999Todtri,
9GUILLOT, ErnestElements d' ornamentation pour l'enluminure. Librairie Renouard,
10BRITISH MUSEUMReproductions from illuminated manuscripts. The Trustees,
Nova Busca   

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